Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Addition to the Red Onion Family

Normally Birthdays are a big deal in my family. This year was important because not only did I turn another year older, (still not sure about the wiser) My husband gave me the best gift I have ever received! On February 4th 2010 the Kramer Family was given a bouncing baby puppy of a whopping 75 pounds, named Kosar Kramer.
My husband and I were running errands a few days before my birthday and we decided to stop at the local animal shelter in Middletown, PAWS. I was so impressed with how well the dogs are treated, and they have a huge yard (about the size of a football field) for the dogs to run and play. We were walking through the kennel area (where the keep the bigger dogs) and the very last dog we saw was sitting in his cage just looking up with his big brown eyes saying "Yup, you know you want to take me home." I was hooked! My husband looked at the puppy and then at me and said "Happy Birthday!"

After having Kosar for a little over 3 months he has gained 20 pounds and still seems to be growing. Since PAWS did such a great job at taking care of him before he had a home, we did not need to do too much training... He was already potty trained and knew a few basic commands! He has defiantly become a member of the family that could never be replaced, he is loving, protective, and best of all seems happy to be with us!
A few of our regulars have seen pictures of my ginormous puppy (Yes, I am one of those people who share pictures of my dogs as if they are children.) Most of the comments are along the same lines of "he's bigger then you are!" and "my goodness that's a big puppy!" Because words can't describe how cute he really is feel free while stopping in for dinner to ask to see pictures :)

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